Information is a crucial commodity for end users. Evaluation of the ability of information systems to produce useful information needs to be done to address the opportunities and deal with problems that arise. In this case did not improve the quality of information by increasing the amount of information, because too much information will actually create new problems. Situations that require increased information include:
- Decision or lack of information about the current situation.
- Lack of relevant information about the current situation or decision.
- Lack of timely information.
- Too much information.
- Informasj inaccurate.
Information can also be a focus and a restriction or policy. While the system output check information analysis, data analysis examined the data stored in a system. Problems faced include:
- Redundant data. The same data is captured and / or stored in many places.
- Stiffness data. Data captured and stored, but organized in such a way that the test report and can not or hard to do.